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Book a free call

I offer a preliminary half-hour call to answer your questions about the Private Counseling Retreats and to help you decide how many counseling days would be most beneficial for you. This conversation is completely non-binding, and it will also give us a chance to see if we're a good match for each other.

Select which Counseling Retreat you want to learn more about:

Unlocking Growth:
Your Journey with Engadin Counseling Retreats

Dive into an innovative and unique counseling format that allows you to unwind and escape your daily stresses.


Instead of month-long therapy appointments, achieve equal results in your relationships with yourself, your partner, or your family during a counseling retreat in Engadin.

The Transformative Power of Counseling Retreats
for Couples, Individuals and Families

  • Counseling has a more profound, holistic impact when approached from a place of rest and relaxation.

  • Maintaining momentum in counseling ensures steady progress and faster results.

  • Embracing walk and talk therapy enriches counseling outcomes by igniting inner resources, catalyzing personal growth, and enabling profound emotional exploration.

Overview Engadin Counseling Retreats

Customize your Private Counseling Retreat in the Engadine
with your preferred accommodation, enjoy nature walks during
the sessions, and feel your progress in just days instead of months.

These are your next steps:

Find the retreat days

After you have decided on the retreat, we will work together to choose the dates. This will give you the

go-ahead to book a hotel that suits your needs.

Prepare for the counseling retreat

As part of our preparation for the retreat, you will receive thoughtful assessments to reflect on your goals and concerns. Your responses will support us in creating goal-oriented and fulfilling counseling results.

The retreat schedule

We have two-hour sessions every morning and afternoon, and during the times when we are not consulting, you are free to spend your healing vacation as you please. You can explore the area, enjoy good food, relax, and indulge in wellness activities, without worrying about work. It is important to use the time between the sessions to let the discussions sink in and process your thoughts.

Counseling in nature

The sessions will take place while walking on easy trails. You will be setting the pace of the walks, but sometimes we may sit on a bench or stand while talking. You don't need to be sporty, as I often involve my clients in the decisions about where we walk.

The follow up sessions

At the end of the retreat, we will schedule the dates for the online follow-up sessions, which are included in your counseling package. These sessions will provide you with security and stability on your continued journey.


Travel, meals, lodging, and incidentals are not included in the price.

Insurance does not cover this service.

The Engadine Valley is located about 2.5 hours from Zurich, with an airport in Samedan, and nearby airports are in Zurich and Innsbruck, Austria.


Martina gave me warmth, understanding, and, above all, confidence in a time of mental and emotional turmoil. The format of the private retreat spoke to me as if from my soul: nature, fresh air, colors, deep conversations - everything is in motion. No, the retreat is not a miracle cure that will solve everything. The retreat was the beginning of the end - things cannot continue like this. It was an energetic refuge and an intensive immersion in one's own patterns. Thanks to Martina's empathy and radiant smile, every day was filled with lightness. Dear Martina, I thank you infinitely for your valuable support!

Client from Switzerland

We participated in a three-day couples retreat with Martina Famos and are thrilled with the experience and the results. The focus was on a deeper and better understanding of ourselves and our partner. Martina helped us to identify deep-seated injuries and deeply rooted feelings that often unconsciously control our lives. Through her sensitive and competent support, we were not only able to develop a better understanding of ourselves, but also take our relationship to a new level. Martina showed us ways in which we can improve the loving, respectful and authentic interaction within our partnership. This consultation was very worthwhile for us - both individually and as a couple. We found a better inner balance and set positive developments in motion that had an impact on our relationship and our family as a whole. The idyllic surroundings of the Engadin, far away from everyday stress, children and work, provided the perfect setting for in-depth conversations and valuable insights. The easy walks in nature supported this process and enabled us to quickly have deep conversations. This retreat was a great experience that will enrich us in the long term and that we can continue to build on to develop both personally and as a couple. Thank you so much, Martina!

Clients from Switzerland

Talking about difficult topics and the freedom of being in nature makes this a perfect combination I can recommend to everyone.

Client from Austria

Having never done a similar consultation I did not know what to expect and it felt a bit like jumping into cold water. Martina was fantastic in her approach and made me feel at ease from the outset with her inclusive, warm and engaging way of talking and acting.

A true professional and at the same time I felt from the beginning I am talking to a friend who I can tell everything. I really felt I can open up in talking to her and my partner together which was an emotional and equally enriching experience.
Doing such a consultation in the midst of the Engadin mountains remote from our everyday's life is a unique experience and gives you the necessary time to reflect on your own and together with your partner
on what was discussed with and advised by Martina. Talking about difficult topics and situations in life and the freedom of being in the nature makes this a perfect combination and I can only recommend this to everybody thinking of engaging in a similar experience.
These two days were extremely rewarding and inspiring and gave me huge energy for my journey. Thank you Martina!

Client from Austria

I felt very safe and comfortable during our walks. We have not been talking that openly and in such a constructive way since years. It felt liberating and also allowed me to reflect on our real problems.

Being out in nature, in an open space, and being able to focus on what we hear and less on the problem helped tremendously. It is an investment in us in our future I would recommend to anyone.

Client from Switzerland

Me and my partner have been Martina's clients in the summer of 2020 and the spring of 2021.

Martina already came across as a very attentive and trustworthy professional at our initial Skype meeting when we discussed the situation in our relationship and support options Martina could offer us. We decided to go to Scuol and spend 2 weekends working on our relationship with Martina; surrounded by beautiful alpine landscape.

Martina has amazing people skills. She is a very good listener, has a lot of compassion and she can translate the language of psychology into digestable content. And she does it all with a witty sense of humour :)

As her client I felt taken care of and understood which made me open up with trust and curiosity. Martina has diagnosed the biggest challange in our relationship very quickly and day by day she helped us to unpack it. She has also helped each of us to notice the individual harmful patterns that we bring to a relationship and she provided us with tools on how to re-shape and re-phrase them so they become constructive and supportive.

Her approach is very solution-oriented and gave us solid tools which we can use in the future in all sorts of relationships. I felt that during one weekend we did more than we could have done in months of weekly sessions. I came back home knowing where we stand as a couple and with clarity on next steps. After the weekend session we had a couple of online follow-up sessions which helped us to track the progress and celebrate successes. Looking back I think that we wouldn't be together anymore, if we haven't met Martina.

Now, months after our first encounter with Martina, my partner and I are really happy together, we approach conflicts in more mature and self-aware manner and we plan our future together without fears and with higher level of self-responsibility. I highly recommend sessions with Martina to anybody looking for a compassionate, curious, holistic and solution-oriented therapist.

Additionally, I appreciated a lot that the sessions did not take place in a closed room but we were hiking instead with Martina and her dog Aramis soaking calmness of beautiful nature.

Since our therapy with Martina I know that if life becomes a bit harder again in the future I have resources (including Martina) I can pull in order to help myself and my loved ones. Thank you Martina for showing me this ♡ 

Clients from Poland

I first started working with Martina during couples counseling. Although I didn't know it back then, the decision to come to the Engadine mountains turned out to be one the best I have ever taken.

Following the couple of days in the mountains, I have seen the change Martina stirred in me and decided to continue with individual therapy sessions. This was literally the start of a new chapter of my life. Martina has helped me heal from the past, but even more importantly, she equipped me with strategies, tools, and mindset to live in, for me, a truly transformative way. For this, I am eternally grateful!

Client from Slovenia

After a couple of failed and expensive attempts at therapy I landed with Martina. Her approach with the initial retreat in Scuol was eye opening, friendly and constructive. Her methods fit very well with my analytical and goal oriented approach to life and work.

Today, after 6 months of work with Martina there are no more big issues or tensions to resolve. We were able to achieve so much in a short time. I value having Martina on my side in moments where the external noise doesn't allow me to objectively process all of the inputs.

She's become my secret weapon and catalyst for personal growth in both private and professional situations.

I'm grateful for being recommended to work with Martina and I continue to set new goals.

Client from Poland

My wife and I just wanted to thank you for a great days in Scuol. We both look forward to developing and working together as a loving couple.

You're very easy to work with and we feel very lucky to have found you for counseling and really enjoy your friendship.

Clients from the U.S. and Switzerland

I have found Martina's sessions to be very helpful. The 4 hour per day approach provides ample time for the sessions to flow naturally, and also to meaningfully address the many different topics that come up from the discussions. I definitely came away from the sessions with a better understanding of myself.

Client from Shanghai

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